
How To Use Content Marketing Strategies For A Better Customer Retention

The modern digital world requires content marketing to generate leads and increase conversions. Nowadays, it is essential for every business and company. But it also works in reducing the number of your customers. We can call it churn rate. However, if you want to retain and retain our customers, we need effective content marketing strategies and techniques to improve customer retention. Continue reading this article and we’ll tell you how to use content marketing strategies to increase customer retention.

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Customer Retention

First, we’ll start with “Customer Retention”. You must be wondering what customer retention is. Customer retention is measured in percentages. The number of customers you retain before the end of that time period. Businesses can use customer retention to know brand loyalty as well as their ability to retain customers.

It’s a strong relationship between customer retention and a steady stream of revenue, so it’s key to use a customer retention management program in your strategies. Implementing these techniques will help your business bring more value to customers, such as repeat purchases.

Most of the time, comprehensive customer retention strategies focus on building and maintaining relationships. In addition, processes and actions are customized and designed to provide a better customer experience. This is to make sure that our customers do not find a single flaw in our business.

Managing customer retention strategies

If you’re thinking about improving customer retention, there’s no one person or team that can take full responsibility. This is done through teamwork and commitment of various departments working together to retain customers.

Most of the departments that play an important role in customer retention are:

    •     Product development

    •     Marketing

    •     Sales

    •     Customer support/service

There is one thing that many companies need to realize, and that is, first, they need to eliminate silos to prevent communication voids and ensure that every team is on the same page. Here are some examples of departments that were good at communicating and working together to improve customer satisfaction levels:

    • Customer service/support identifies pain points. They also communicate customer feedback to product development so they can make some improvements and updates. In some cases, there is sometimes information provided by customers that can lead to new value propositions.

    •  To build brand loyalty, the marketing team needs to start giving away incentives. This will allow them to use customer data from the service team to provide rewards to offset the negative experience.

Organizations that are growing rapidly have a customer success team to manage the customer retention program. For these organizations, it is necessary to implement customer retention strategies. However, their primary role is to maintain a strong relationship with customers by communicating with them, facilitating them and being in touch with them at all times.

Customer success teams must collaborate with all other groups by helping them organize and manage operations for better customer retention.

What should you call a good customer retention rate (CCR)?

CRR is the percentage of customers who continue to do business with a company within a given time frame. A higher rate is considered a healthy indicator if we are talking about a good CCR. Customer engagement should be good enough to include repeat purchases

Ideally, it should be around 100 percent for a better CRR. However, this is simply not possible in the real world. However, there are averages from every industry that you can beat or match by implementing your content marketing strategies.

Find out about the average CRR rate in each industry below:

    •     Retail (63 percent)

    •     banking (75 percent)

    •     Insurance (83 percent)

    •     IT services (81 percent)

    •     Professional services (84 percent)

    •     Telecom (78 percent)

    •     Media (84 percent)

    •     E-commerce (34 percent)

    •     Fintech (78 percent)

    •     Ed-Tech (27 percent)

    •     Food Tech (16 percent)

    •     Sports and games (31 percent)    

    • Travel and Hospitality (55 percent)

Be aware that CRR varies by industry due to many factors. For example, in professional services, most companies use a personalized marketing approach to develop and build communications and relationships with customers. This is why the CRR of this industry is quite high.

You need to think about what a good customer retention rate should be for your business. If you want to see how your company is doing compared to the competition, you can calculate CRR.

    • Formula for customer retention rate:

((E-N) / S) x 100 = CRR

    •     Key metrics you should know before calculating CRR:

    •     E: Number of customers at the end of the given time frame.

    •     N: Number of new customers acquired between the time frame.

    •     S: Number of customers in the customer base at the beginning of the time frame.

Example of customer retention rate calculation:

Let’s take 900 as the number of customers at the end of that time frame and 400 as the new customers we acquired between that time frame. The number of customers in the customer base we had at the beginning of the time frame is 600.

By putting it in a simple way:

[(900 – 400) / 600] x 100 = 83.3 percent.

The result of this example is 83.3 percent. However, the time frame depends on the company and its customer success team that they can follow according to their strategies. It can be a month, a quarter or a year.

Importance of customer retention

Customer retention strategies are beneficial for creating and building strong customer relationships. These strategies include personalized marketing campaigns, effective customer communication, innovative products, excellent service and loyalty rewards. If we implement these strategies, it will help the business to grow and increase its profitability.

Below are important reasons why we need to retain customers:

Repeat purchases

As stated by Frederick Reichheld, who is the creator of the Net Promoter System of Management, “a 5 percent increase in customer retention creates more than a 25 percent increase in profits.” This happens because customer loyalty makes them buy from your business every time. Sometimes even in larger quantities. Loyal customers can try your new products or services.

Cost reduction

It would cost you less to retain existing customers than to acquire new customers. In the business community, some individuals believe that it costs more than five times to acquire customers compared to keeping them. If you want to acquire new customers, it will cost you six or seven times more. Customer retention will help you reduce your marketing costs.

Increasing brand loyalty

Some consumers love the brand they first dealt with and had an incredible experience with it. In some reports, about 80 percent of people grow to love a brand over time for some reason. Check them out below:

    • Great products

    •     An incredible experience

    •     Amazing customer service

    •     Positive feedback and customer reviews

It is possible that six out of 10 loyal customers will buy a new product from a brand they love. As loyal customers, they will buy more products than at the beginning.

Retained customers will not stop buying your product again. They turn out to be ambassadors for your brand by telling their friends and family about the positive experience. This would help brands acquire new customers without incurring marketing costs.

Using a content marketing strategy for better customer retention

Using content marketing strategies not only increases leads and conversions, but is used to retain customers. To achieve this, companies must cover every stage of the buyer’s journey. They must use effective strategies and ideal techniques from start to finish. You can also get content services in Karachi for your business or company from us.

Stages of Awareness

Consumers realize that they have needs or problems that require a solution in the awareness stage. This is why companies always reach out to people and let them know about their products.

For this stage, content marketing specialists need to strategize and create content that is concise, easy to read and understand. The goal is to attract customers and involve them in our business.

The type of content that raises awareness includes:

    • Blog posts

    •  E-mails

    •  E-books

    • Social media Videos

Companies need to understand what their customers care about and deliver content accordingly.

Consideration phase

The consideration stage is when consumers decide to choose a brand. Businesses need to show them how the product would help them or solve their problem.

Content marketers always focus on these types of content:

    • Product related content. (eg how does it work how does it work)  

    • Content related to instructions (eg how to use products and services)

Content types for the consideration phase

    •  Blog posts

    • Case studies and industry reports

    • E-books

    •  Reviews and testimonials

    •  Studies

    •  Webinars

One thing a content team or author needs to know about the initial stage is not to sell products. In the beginning, try writing how-to articles and tutorials that show how the products will solve customer pain points.

Conversion Phase

The conversion stage is when all buyers are ready to buy the product. This is where content marketing pays off. You have successfully acquired a customer and they are buying your product.

The content in this phase will be essentially the same as in the consideration phase. However, the content of this phase should be slightly different. It should be more compelling and personalized. A CTA (call to action) is needed in the content.

content used to convert leads into conversions

    • Blog posts and guides

    •  Frequently asked questions

    • Videos

    • Webinars

Loyalty Phase

Companies that don’t care about their customers face higher churn rates. This is because they are not trying to retain customers. However, acquiring new customers requires a lot of the company’s budget. So companies looking to grow can incorporate customer retention strategies into their day-to-day operations and functions

Types of content used to build brand loyalty include:

    • Blog posts

    • Emails for customer logins

    • In-app messages, guides and tutorials

    • Social media

    • Surveys

Advocacy phase

You know your customers are loyal when they make repeat purchases as well as recommend your company because of a positive experience. However, not every repeat buyer will recommend others. Marketers must have this goal of turning these buyers into brand advocates.

You can provide these customers with rewards, referral links, special offers and customer engagement opportunities.

You can provide these customers with rewards, referral links, special offers and customer engagement opportunities.

Tips to improve customer retention

Below are tips you can follow to improve your customer retention rate while building a strong relationship with your customers

Publishing high-quality content

To keep your customers and others informed about your products or services, you need to constantly create and publish content. To drive traffic and turn leads into conversions, you need to stay consistent.

Collection and use of customer data

Companies must collect and use customer data very carefully. Getting an email address would be ideal for you. However, they can improve their customers’ sign-up by sending them welcome emails with instructions or a guide on how to use their products or services.

Focus on providing value to customers

The content you create and deliver must be SEO friendly. Whenever you create content, make sure you provide information that would allow potential and existing customers to find it valuable. It is important for building trust and loyalty.

Keeping the audience interested

It is important to engage and entertain your audience using social media platforms. Loyal customers like to interact with brands they like. If they are satisfied with your content, they will not switch to another company. This means higher income in the future.

Final Thoughts

To summarize, you are well aware of the content marketing strategies that would make it easier for you to maintain a high customer retention rate. By producing and publishing content, you can always keep your customers engaged and loyal to you. Implementing all content marketing strategies will also turn leads into conversions for your company.


Everything You Need To Know About Search Console Performance Data, Limitations, and Filters

Over the years, Google search has been the most used search engine for most users. Google Search performance data is widely used data in Search Console using both methods, and it can be the Search Analytics API or the performance report if you want to know something about how Google processes data, privacy filtering, restrictions, etc. Read on to find out how it all works.


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Basics of Search Performance

Most of us are constantly looking for things in a search engine, but have you ever wondered how it all works? Performance data has four metrics that show how search traffic has changed over time. Check them out below:

    • Clicks: Counting user clicks from Google search results.

    • Impressions: Counting the number of times users have seen your property in Google search results.

    • CTR (Click-Through Rate): The number of clicks that were by the number of impressions.

    • Position: Position of search results for URLs, queries, or for a website.

You can analyze these metrics in many ways. See how each search query, page, country, device, or skin is driving traffic to your site. You can use this analysis to look at performance. Moreover, if you want to get the best SEO services in Karachi for your business or company, you can contact us right now.

Access to search performance data includes the product interface, Search Analytics API, Looker Studio connector, and tables. You can use this media to access performance data.

However, if you use the product interface, the dimensions are through filters or dimension tables with graphs. You will need to analyze the metrics as they will be displayed in the graphs.

Limiting and filtering data

The data in the reporting interface and the data that is exported is aggregated and filtered in many other different ways. Check the data restrictions below:

Privacy filtering

Some queries, commonly known as anonymized, are not included in Search Console data to protect the privacy of the user entering the query.

These are questions that will not be asked by more than a dozen users over a period of two to three months. For privacy reasons, legitimate queries will not appear in Search performance data. This is why they are known as anonymized queries. Real anonymized queries are always passed from tables. However, you can find them in the chart totals by filtering by query.

Take this as an example to make it clear that it only takes into account privacy filtering as well as the daily data line limits next to it. It will play a role in this chart. The table below shows the traffic for queries to your website. This is a breakdown of traffic from non-anonymized queries. Normally, a traditional website will have four or more itemized, non-anonymized queries.

Most of the time the chart shows individual clicks and later adds clicks from anonymized queries. Whenever you use Search Console reports, you’ll notice this type of discrepancy in two ways:

    • There will be no line for anonymized queries in the overview table or in the API. If you think you’re going to add up the clicks from each row, you won’t be able to find the same number of clicks as the total in the chart. For example, when counting rows, you’ll be looking at 450 clicks, but the total graph will be more than 500.

    • Anonymized queries are forwarded whenever you apply a filter. You’ll find the difference between the sum of clicks in the total graph compared to the sum of clicks that contain (some_string) and those that don’t (some_string).

Daily limit of data lines

Limitations are related to server latency, storage, processing resources, and more. Search Console has a limit on the amount of data that can be displayed or exported. These restrictions do not actually affect most services in Search Console. Some of the very large websites are affected by this. However, the remaining data of these large sites will be large enough to form a representative data sample.

The maximum you can export through the Search Console UI is 1000 rows of data. Currently, the current limit for data exported via the Search Analytics API or Looker Studio connector is 50,000 rows per day per site and search type. This is the highest and cannot be attained in any way. There must be a reason they left 50,000 rows with a higher ceiling.

You can use (rowLimit) to increase to 25,000 and (startRow) to pull rows from 25,001 to 50,000.

To Wrap Up

To summarize, you are almost aware of all things related to Search Console performance data. Now you know about the four metrics, product interface, Search Analytics API, Looker Studio and much more about Search Console. You can do all this according to your needs.


Top 13 Social Media Marketing Tips to Follow in 2023

Social media marketing is a considerably newer and constantly evolving genre of marketing. New trends are set almost every day, so staying up-to-date with the latest trends and understanding the algorithms is crucial to achieving successful marketing outcomes for your business.

Video content continues to be a powerful social media marketing tool. With the rise of platforms like TikTok and Instagram Reels, short videos have become incredibly popular, especially with the limited attention span of the younger generation.

1.Video Content Dominance

In 2023, creating engaging and shareable video content should be a top priority for all businesses. Experiment with different video formats such as tutorials, behind-the-scenes, funny or meme-worthy content, and aesthetic ASMR compilation content to capture the attention of your target audience and encourage them to share your content.

2.Collaboration of influencers

Influencer marketing is here to stay and will continue to be a key social media marketing strategy in 2023. Partnering with influencers who align with your brand values ​​and truly connect with your target audience in the marketplace can help you expand your reach and increase awareness of brand. Work with influencers to create authentic content like product reviews, endorsements, and sponsored posts to leverage their influence and connect your followers with your brand.

3. Personalization and customization

Social media users are looking for personalized experiences. In 2023, focus on creating content and tailoring it to your audience’s interests, preferences and behaviors. Use data and analytics to segment audiences and deliver customized and targeted content.

Also, invest in personalization features like chatbots, personalized ads, and interactive polls to create a personalized experience for your followers that will increase engagement and business revenue.

4. Business and social media business

Social media platforms are increasingly becoming shopping destinations and social commerce and commerce are gaining momentum. In 2023, investing in social media e-commerce strategies like shoppable posts, product tagging, and integrated link capabilities are critical to streamlining the buying process for your followers. Create compelling product content and feed interactive user-generated content to the brand’s official social media page to drive e-commerce on social media and increase sales.

5. Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality Experiences

Augmented reality and virtual reality technologies are gaining popularity in the online technology world, especially in social media marketing. In 2023, consider incorporating AR and VR experiences into your social media strategy to deliver unique and immersive experiences to your consumers.

For example, create AR filters or lenses that match your brand and encourage users to share them in their stories, or host virtual events and experiences that allow users to interact with your brand and each other in a virtual environment.

6. User Generated Content

User-generated content has proven to be a highly effective social media marketing strategy while creating a sense of authenticity and trust among users. Encourage your followers to create and share content related to your brand, such as reviews, testimonials, tutorials, etc. And while it’s important to get positive brand-related content from your audience, it’s just as important to repost and amplify that content. content on your brand’s social media channels. User-generated content can help you build a loyal community and increase engagement and multiply conversion rates.

7. Social listening and social monitoring

In 2023, it became clear that marketing is not just about getting your message across. But it’s also about listening to your audience and monitoring social media conversations about your brand. Use social media listening tools to track mentions, hashtags and keywords related to your brand and industry. Analyze sentiment and feedback from your audience to gain insight, identify trends and make data-driven decisions.

Respond promptly to comments, messages and reviews and show your audience that you value their feedback immensely.

8. Authenticity and transparency

Authenticity and transparency will continue to be essential in social media marketing in 2023. Users are looking for a genuine connection with brands that align with their social and moral values. Be transparent about your brand’s story, mission and values ​​and communicate them consistently through your social media channels. Avoid using images and generic content. Instead, focus on showcasing the real people, stories and experiences behind your brand. This will build loyal customers.

9.Employee advocacy

Your employees can be strong brand advocates in the world of social media. In 2023, the paradigm is changing. People are interested in the brand insight their employees often display on social media.

Make sure your employees are happy with their work environment and promote the brand on their personal social media accounts. Encourage them to share your brand’s content on their personal social media profiles and engage with your brand’s posts. This can help amplify your brand’s reach and authenticity, and showcase your company culture and the people behind your brand.

10.Stories from social networks

Stories have become hugely popular on social media and are expected to continue their rise into 2023. Use the Stories feature on platforms like Instagram, Facebook and Snapchat to share behind-the-scenes content, insights, polls and interactive Q&As. sitting with your audience. Stories are a great way to engage your audience informally and interactively, creating a sense of urgency and FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) that can increase engagement and conversions among users.

11. Community Building

Building a community around your brand can foster loyalty and advocacy among your audience. In 2023, focus on creating meaningful interactions and conversations with your audience. Respond promptly to comments, messages and mentions, ask questions and encourage discussion. Create dedicated groups or communities on social media platforms like Facebook and Discord where your audience can connect, share and engage with each other. Building a strong community can help you gain valuable insights, build brand advocates, and ensure the long-term success of your business.

12. Advertising on social networks

Social media advertising will continue to be a key strategy in 2023, but it’s important that your advertising campaigns are strategic and targeted. Use data and insights from social media analytics to identify audience segments and create personalized and relevant advertising content. Experiment with different ad formats, e.g

13. Data-driven decision making

Data should be at the heart of your social media marketing strategy in 2023. Use insights and analytics from social media platforms to help you make decisions. Analyzing engagement rates, click-through rates, conversion rates and sentiment can help you understand the performance of your content and campaigns. Use this data to optimize your social media strategy, identify trends and allocate resources for maximum impact.

Social media marketing in 2023 will require a strategic approach. By staying on top of the latest trends and incorporating these strategies into your social media marketing plan, you can build a strong online presence, engage your audience, and achieve business results. Remember to always adapt and evolve your strategies based on your audience’s preferences and behaviors to stay ahead of the ever-changing social media marketing landscape.



SEO has been getting a lot of hype lately, and people are asking what it is, how it works, and if it’s really worth the hype.

Here we talk about all things SEO and its outlook in 2023.

Is SEO still relevant?

SEO is now and always has been evolving, constantly growing and learning from past experiences and setting updated plans in motion to achieve improved desired results desired by clients. SEO is in place to prevent businesses from going from the hottest talk of the town to an old and forgotten entity.

With daily advancements, SEO tends to update and refresh its understanding of the consumer interface to help businesses better. Appointing an SEO for his expertise makes it possible to meet the expected standards of the company in a revolutionary way.

So yes, SEO is still relevant today and will remain relevant for the foreseeable future.

SEO is fast becoming the future!

Today’s search engine community is all in a rat race to provide the best and most consumer-friendly ways to optimize the common man’s queries. Insufferable matters like this intense competition among other SEO “search engines” have arrived and are here to stay. With the fast pace of life and the current perception that consumers are getting information in seconds, the future of SEO looks brighter than ever. SEO in its entirety has made the lives and businesses of both consumers and merchants significantly easier and more efficient.

How SEO works in 2023

With today’s advancements in technology, AI and the vast ocean of information available to the common man, the dilemma remains: ‘How to find what I’m looking for exactly and without wasting time?’ Well, don’t worry! SEO in 2023 has solved this problem for you. The current motto is ‘by the people, through SEO, for the people’. This means your business (run by people) is optimally broadcast (using SEO) to help reach your target audience (consumers).

2023 promises to bring new challenges and SEO promises to bring new and innovative solutions. Opportunities for businesses have increased tenfold since the introduction of SEO to businesses’ online presence. Competition is fierce, but SEO is expected to maintain high standards in 2023, as it has in previous years.

Exciting SEO trends in 2023

In 2023, businesses need to be at the top of their game to win over customers. And with the option of voice control, achieving targeted traffic is now becoming more and more of a challenge. SEO provides the extra nudge businesses need to stay on top. SEO is quickly becoming a business’s best friend because it understands all the long, complex, tedious and boring algorithms that most business owners don’t understand or understand. Using the mentioned algorithms, SEO aims to increase the flow of satisfied customers. SEO also aims to improve, first hand, the trustworthiness of the interface between the store and the consumer to make it easy and beneficial for both

concerned parties.

SEO Trend Predictor for 2023

SEO ardently determines that its future self will be able to increase engagement across all platforms for business.

SEO promises its users and consumers a definitive reduction in bounce rates.

SEO claims to increase website consideration and relevance for any given business.

The SEO will continue to use proven methods to improve their client’s search ranking.

SEO is proudly on its way to becoming the most useful aid in making businesses and their online presence as user-friendly as possible by sticking to simple, informative and engaging content.

SEO creates and will continue to create specific and individualized plans for each and every one of its patrons.

Subject interface: SEO trends

One of the oldest tricks of the trade that SEO follows is “topic clusters” built around a significant but unique thematic intent. The raw data and final content are then organized according to the topic of this particular thematic intention.

A central section or theme depicts a broader, more general aspect of the theme’s intent. This central part is connected to the main hyperlink sending the user directly to the desired business (online) store. Around a central theme there are several small branches of respective businesses, all following the same concept designed to support and enhance the central theme of said business.

SEO makes the user more comfortable by satisfying all their needs in finding the best possible match between the consumer and the business. The easy and seamless connection between the two units created by SEO helps the consumer to navigate comfortably through a wide range of options, both significant and otherwise, and enables the business to maintain a steady and expanded flow of clients who want to use their products/services.

 Content Trends Using SEO

SEO is keen to make it so that the consumer interface has more relatable and accessible content. This allows a merchant’s online presence to remain relevant in the face of diversity. SEO creates and promotes such content that is user-friendly and exudes the aura of the respective business it is associated with. One of the main goals of SEO is to display the best and most distinctive features of a business in a way that the user understands and appreciates. The goal when creating content is content that is relevant in today’s market, uses language and terminology updated with the latest social trends, and appeals to viewers.

Using long-tail keywords and avoiding stuffing improves your content and ultimately improves your SEO strategy. Content driven SEO is a technical way to improve the existing matter that any company’s website already has. The goal is to increase consumer traffic rather than just any consumer traffic, consumers who are genuinely interested in getting the product/service the company provides. This can only happen if the user gets to the merchant’s website and likes what he sees at first glance.

Content in the form of a video, transcript or image has a different importance. Incorporating any form of visual content into your online business setup is a great way to increase your SEO rankings in 2023, as approximately 80% of all content created in the world today is visual content.

SEO Impacts of Localization

In 2023, it is important to know what is happening where, not only in the social world, but also for businesses. The success and prosperity of the business largely depends on the geographical location, target group and type of business. Local SEO provides business owners with geographically focused strategies to improve their clientele. This means being in the know-how of the common language and phrases of a different location, knowing all the social and cultural norms, appreciating and celebrating the uniqueness of its people and incorporating all this into a strategically designed marketing campaign.